Friday, November 26, 2010

[NEWS] Kim Hyun Joong - More about Bae Yong Joon

English Translation: suehan's byj blog

Suehan just translated about Bae Yong Joon only
Thanks for this translation ^^

Here the original part that Suehan translated

사실 '꽃보다 남자' 이후 1년만에 컴백한 MBC '장난스런 키스'는 한 자릿수대 시청률로 기대에 못미치는 성적표를 받았다. 배용준의 소속사 키이스트로 옮긴 직후 택한 작품이라서 주위의 기대는 더 컸다.

" (배)용준이 형이 첫 방송 후 시청률이 낮게 나오자 '바닥 쳤으니 오르겠지, 너무 연연하지 말라'는 문자 메시지를 보내줬어요. 언젠가 내려가야 할 때가 있을 텐데, 그 경험을 빨리 했다고 생각해요. 힘든 순간에 대처하는 법을 배웠고, 역시 사람은 죽으라는 법은 없나봐요. 또 한국이 아니면 외국에서라도 언젠가 인정받을 거라는 희망이 있었어요. 후회하긴 싫어요."

배용준과는 사나이끼리 통하는 구석이 많은 롤모델 같은 대선배다.

"DSP 엔터테인먼트와 계약이 끝난 뒤, 여러 루머가 많았죠. 사실 용준이 형 회사에 가고 싶은 마음이 있긴 했지만 형에게 솔직하게 말하기가 어려웠어요. 어느날 회사 문제 때문에 고민이 있다고 하자, 용준이 형이 자기 회사 대표를 소개시켜주겠다며 만나자고 했어요. 그런데 그 자리에 대표님이 계약서를 들고오셨더라구요.(웃음) 잘됐구나 싶었어요."

Kim Hyung Joong returned to MBC's "Mischievous Kiss", one year after "Boys over Flowers", but he received a poor review with disappointing one digit viewing rates. Expections were high because it was the first work since he moved to Bae Yong Joon's management company, Keyeast.

"When the viewing rate was low after the first episode aired, Yong Joon hyung sent me a text message saying, "it hit rock bottom, so I think it'll go up. Don't think about the viewing rates too much." I think it was a good experience because the rate continues to fluctuate. I learned how to cope with difficulties and I experienced that "When God closes one door, He opens another.". I hoped that it would be recognized in foreign contries some day, if not in Korea. I don't want to regret it."

Bae Yong Joon is a great senior for him, like a role model, and they have very good chemistry between them.

"There were plenty of rumors after my contract with DSP Entertainment ended. Actually, I wanted to go to Yong Joon hyong's management compnay, but I couldn't speak to him frankly. One day, I talked to him about my problem with the management company. He said that He wanted to meet me to introduce me to the owner of his management company. And the CEO came with the contract. (laugh) So, I was glad."

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