Tuesday, January 19, 2010

[Diary] Hyun Joong message in DSP 100119

Credit: SS501.dspenter.com + eunice @ LOVEKIMHYUNJOONG.com

[Cromagnon man]…….
2010-01-19, 12:45:49

Today I’m writing hurt after I read (things on the) internet.
Today was just a birthday of my company’s president…………
Why are they doing (things) like this to me………. I….. right…. I attended.
I had no power (I was helpless).
I only went to celebrate the birthday of my company’s president…….
If you want to blame me, please make it short…… not…… long……..
I promise in the name of Kim Hyun Joong that I will do lots of good deed from now on,
and I won’t do harm to you people.
Don’t name (blame) me when you don’t know about what happened exactly……….
If you were….. in my shoes…… you
you could do (things) on your own?????????
(*bb: believe he meant he wasn’t able to make decisions out of his own accord…?)
Let’s live smiling, (and by) not hurting one another.
A world without finger-hunting (eunice: internet killing), witch-hunting……….
Like to go back to 30 years ago??
I’m not doing campaigning for election.

My true heart????????
I’ll show I’m pure and upright. I’m not asking you expect me to be.
but I mean just watch me, watch me……..
you guys who are finger-killers….. (eunice: netizens)
Because you don’t know the truth………
Don’t judge me like that……..
If you want me to quit,
I’ve got guts to do so……. if you guys want it……

I’m telling you with confidence that the truth someday……
the true heart someday
would be revealed………………. Tstt–


Original Hangul Message

[크로마뇽인].................. 2010-01-19 오전 12:45:49

오늘은..........인터넷을한번들어갔다 상처받고글을씁니다

오늘은 우리사장님생신이였을뿐인데...............

왜다들 나에게 그러시는지.............나...맞아요 참석은했어요

내가뭔힘이있나요 ....

우리사장님생신축하드리러 갔는데...

이왕 욕하실꺼라면 한번에하세요 짧게 ....길게............말고

내이름걸고 약속하죠 김현중이란이름으로 앞으로 좋은일많이하겠다고

당신들에게 욕될일 안한다고

욕하지마요 뭘알지도못하면서................................

어차피..........그상황이면 .........당신은


웃으면서살아요 서로서로 상처주지말고

손가락사냥 마녀사냥없는.........30년전으로 돌아갈껀가요??

나 선거하는거아닙니다

내진심???????????나떳떳하다고 보여줄꺼에요 기대해달란거아니에요

지켜보고 지켜보라는거지.........손가락살인하는사람들..........



사람판단하지마 그만두라면 그만둘 용기도있어 당신들이원한다면.................

나 확실히얘기하는데 진실은 언젠가..........진심은언젠가....

나오겠지 ............................흥 ㅡㅡ

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